summary of news over last few months
To speed the process of information transfer from the old site to the new - below please find a summary of news from the last few months.
12 July 2007
We'll as those who have emailed in know already we have had contact from lots of boxes over the last month but unfortunetly people have failed to let us know some very key facts-
1: where the box is
2: what box number it is
3: where its going next
We have had some lovely emails along the lines of "Hey I've got a box" and its wonderful to hear from people but you got to give us a wee bit more to go on before we can post it. Also anyone with some photos of the boxes send them in - we may award a prize for the best one.
14 May 2007
It's always good to hear from a box we've not heard from in a while, and even better when its a box we haven't heard from since the very first day when it set off. But that's the good news this week.
Box No 28 has just contacted us to let us know that it has had a pleasent year with Max in The Netherlans and is now ready to adventure on its on.
25 April 2007
More postcards arrived in without box numbers written on them so we are doing a bit more investigation into these ones as well.
We were also contacted by Whitley Gaffney who is writing an article about the Small World Phenominon for her school paper.
25 March 2007
Not so many updates recently. We have therefore decided to update properly once a month, with in between updates for any really big important news.
It is now nearly one year since the first boxes set out so fingers crossed there is more sightings from them in the next four weeks.
In February the final box set sail on its way to a lawyers in Tokyo. Three days ago we heard from box number 20 who has been living at which is an excellant website name.
From our initial plan for this project we imagined that the first box to return to us, would probably do so about a year later. So please, please please everyone out there, can you make sure you send us a postcard or email, if you have or have had a box and make sure you continue to pass the box down the chain, as we'd love to see them again.
14 January 2007
Happy New Year to you all. Fresh updates for Box numbers 08, 45 and 53. We will be endevering to update the site soon. Thanks for emails and suggestions, we will try to set up a forum for people to post their small world tales.
Congratulations to Small Worlder Polly Johnson who has just become a mum. Best wishes to you and the wee one, hope you have a great year.
01 December 2006
Recently we have had a few emails from people asking why the site hasn't been updated. The reason is, the boxes have been keeping very quiet. Which is why we were delighted to hear from box No 8 who has been spending time with Liz at the BBC in Surrey. Maybe No 8 has become a TV star and will appear as a spy on Spooks or running a stall in Eastenders.
28 November 2006
Thanks to everyone for their emails. Please keep them coming in, its great to hear from you all.
We are planning on updating the site in the new year, so if anyone has any good ideas for things they'd like to see or if anyone has any images of them wearing their badges or of their box in interesting places, we'd love to see them.
For those of you looking forward to the coming festive fun, we have made an advent calender. Download it in two parts here and here, print out, overlay the prints and cut out the doors each day for all kinds of Christmas fun.
05 November 2006
Box No 53 has just got in touch. It is already on its way back from Indonesia to the UK.
Indonesia has so far presented us with the most lovely stamps as you can see on the left.
Happy Guy Fawkes night to all UK. May you all have had a fun evening of setting off explosives with no need to call fire or medical emergecny services.
28 October 2006
We recieved an email from Marie in Massachusetts saying how she stumbled upon our website and was very keen to recieve one of the three remaining small world boxes. Her reasoning was very good and so we agreed and have posted her one. Look out for No 43 its on its way.
Visit here to find out more about Marie and her work - a
15 October 2006
News has arrived from CA from Frank, the Director of Genius Inc. Not entirely sure what genius inc do or what box number they have but we have been sent a of lovely photo of Frank and his family.
22 September 2006
Hmm box No 44 has just been returned undelivered aswell. This is an interesting turn up. I guess the people of the "Vegitarian Fast Food" in West Java must have moved. So we welcome suggestions for a new desitination.
15 September 2006
Ho, ho - good news. Box No 41 is getting closer and is now with an architect in edinburgh. Apologies for the break in news, been away. Keep your postcards coming.
30 July 2006
"Good luck" wishes have arrived from Plymouth. We don't know much about Plymouth, other than its where the Mayflower landed. Not much is known about Polly Johnson either. There is no box number on the card and the post mark is covering her address. Please get in touch with some contact info Polly.
27 July 2006
A little email has reached us frrom No 53 to inform us it has arrived in Indonesia. A postcard is apparently on its way and we look forward to seeing it.
Several cards have arrived without numbers. Please, please, please add your box number to the postcards if it is not there already.
19 July 2006
A very proud looking koala adorns the stamp on the first postcard from No 45. The lucky box has been away doing some vegetable shopping and apparently had a great time. Please let us know if you take your box on any advetnures and send us a photo.
18 July 2006
Not completely sure what Mary Duxbury - last known holder of Box No 7 does for a living as the postmark is covering it but we think she is a retired medical -physicist and now makes either beads of bread?
17 July 2006
Another postcard has arrived from Nicki Barnett in Scotland - unfortunetly the postcard is missing its box number so we will have to track Nicki down to confirm which box she had. [It was No 48]
Also visit the contacts page and sign up to our new monthly mailing list.
13 July 2006
Anita - first stop for No 52 has been in touch to let us know an article about Milgram's experiment was on Radio 4 today. It's very interesting and well worth a listen.
[click here to listen]
06 July 2006
Good news - after a wee break in communication we have heard from another new box. No 48, currently in Thailand is visitng the editor of Citylife magazine. Turns out the ediotr studied in Scotland and so the box is well on its way home already.
23 June 2006
This postcard has casued us a little confusion as last we heard No 23 was in London but this post card indicates that it is back in Paris. Either No 23 was missing the nice weather or the cards have got out of order.
22 June 2006
Just heard from wee box No 54 which is thenot only the furthest awaybut is also the last box to be posted. It is having a nice time spying fish from the bottom of a glass boat in New Zealand.
17 June 2006
Its funny how information comes in little bursts but as soon as one box gets in touch then another also drops us a line. No 14 which we have identified from its stamp is still in Sweden.
16 June 2006
Only a few days after our plea to other boxes to get in touch and we have heard from a new little fellow. No 47 who having spent some time in the bright lights in NEW york is now on its way to geordie land of NEWcastle.
10 June 2006
Just heard from No 41 who has just arrived in Edinburgh. Just a short nip accross the country and it will soon be home.
But where are all the others? Come on boxes, get in touch.
03 June 2006
So the battle to return has now become a three horse race - with our three box leaders 8, 41 and now No 23 all headed back to Scotland. No 23 was last found at Waterloo station and is currently on its way to Edinburgh. Place your bets now, if you think it can over take the other two.
02 June 2006
Hooray. News from a brand new box - No 12 has just dropped a wee message from Kangerlussuaq in Greenland. We don't know alot about the country but they do have a very fine selection of stamps including the one to the right with a women in a rather fetching red jumper.
01 June 2006
Apparently, according to a paper I read recently, rock is back - I was not aware it had gone away but it seems the finnish maddies that won the eurovision last week have saved it's soul. And speaking of scandanavian rockness we have just heard from box No 14 who is currently living with Martin "Rock God" Forssman in Sweden.
25 May 2006
Oh ho - here we are getting all excited about box number 41 and there sneaking up on the blindside is box No 7 who we have just heard has returned to it's home city. Will it be the first back and what has happened to the other 49. Stay tuned for the answers.
24 May 2006
Hmmm , some bad news has reached our ears today. Apparently there is something wrong with our email address. Thankyou to Paul and Box No 8 for bringing it to our attention. We will fix it as soon as possible but in the meantime please use
20 May 2006
Bounjour, mais oui. Fantasique!! The first postcard from outsde the uk shores has arrived. Box number 23 is spending some time with top chef Mr David Lebovitz. We are rather jealous of the tasty delicacies it will be enjoying in Paris. We've just had beans on toast for tea.
19 May 2006
Well box 41 is sprinting well into the lead with another postcard arrived, this time from mr Iain Halket a puppeteer from Aberdeen. All you other boxes better watch out - this wee guy is getting very close to home.

We'll as those who have emailed in know already we have had contact from lots of boxes over the last month but unfortunetly people have failed to let us know some very key facts-
1: where the box is
2: what box number it is
3: where its going next
We have had some lovely emails along the lines of "Hey I've got a box" and its wonderful to hear from people but you got to give us a wee bit more to go on before we can post it. Also anyone with some photos of the boxes send them in - we may award a prize for the best one.

It's always good to hear from a box we've not heard from in a while, and even better when its a box we haven't heard from since the very first day when it set off. But that's the good news this week.
Box No 28 has just contacted us to let us know that it has had a pleasent year with Max in The Netherlans and is now ready to adventure on its on.

More postcards arrived in without box numbers written on them so we are doing a bit more investigation into these ones as well.
We were also contacted by Whitley Gaffney who is writing an article about the Small World Phenominon for her school paper.

Not so many updates recently. We have therefore decided to update properly once a month, with in between updates for any really big important news.
It is now nearly one year since the first boxes set out so fingers crossed there is more sightings from them in the next four weeks.
In February the final box set sail on its way to a lawyers in Tokyo. Three days ago we heard from box number 20 who has been living at which is an excellant website name.
From our initial plan for this project we imagined that the first box to return to us, would probably do so about a year later. So please, please please everyone out there, can you make sure you send us a postcard or email, if you have or have had a box and make sure you continue to pass the box down the chain, as we'd love to see them again.

Happy New Year to you all. Fresh updates for Box numbers 08, 45 and 53. We will be endevering to update the site soon. Thanks for emails and suggestions, we will try to set up a forum for people to post their small world tales.
Congratulations to Small Worlder Polly Johnson who has just become a mum. Best wishes to you and the wee one, hope you have a great year.

Recently we have had a few emails from people asking why the site hasn't been updated. The reason is, the boxes have been keeping very quiet. Which is why we were delighted to hear from box No 8 who has been spending time with Liz at the BBC in Surrey. Maybe No 8 has become a TV star and will appear as a spy on Spooks or running a stall in Eastenders.

Thanks to everyone for their emails. Please keep them coming in, its great to hear from you all.
We are planning on updating the site in the new year, so if anyone has any good ideas for things they'd like to see or if anyone has any images of them wearing their badges or of their box in interesting places, we'd love to see them.
For those of you looking forward to the coming festive fun, we have made an advent calender. Download it in two parts here and here, print out, overlay the prints and cut out the doors each day for all kinds of Christmas fun.

Box No 53 has just got in touch. It is already on its way back from Indonesia to the UK.
Indonesia has so far presented us with the most lovely stamps as you can see on the left.
Happy Guy Fawkes night to all UK. May you all have had a fun evening of setting off explosives with no need to call fire or medical emergecny services.

We recieved an email from Marie in Massachusetts saying how she stumbled upon our website and was very keen to recieve one of the three remaining small world boxes. Her reasoning was very good and so we agreed and have posted her one. Look out for No 43 its on its way.
Visit here to find out more about Marie and her work - a

News has arrived from CA from Frank, the Director of Genius Inc. Not entirely sure what genius inc do or what box number they have but we have been sent a of lovely photo of Frank and his family.
03 October 2006
Second bit of news - The assistant Paula has been in touch to tell us box 2 is on its way to chillie to visit the Incas. This may be the most exciting life of any box so far. Dragons and incas for your first two visits is pretty good going.

Second bit of news - The assistant Paula has been in touch to tell us box 2 is on its way to chillie to visit the Incas. This may be the most exciting life of any box so far. Dragons and incas for your first two visits is pretty good going.
03 October 2006
Two bits of news today. Both relating to box#02 and both from the wonderful and mysterious Galapogas Isles. No1 Ros has got in touch to say that she has passed the box on to her assistant who is heading off for pastures new.

Two bits of news today. Both relating to box#02 and both from the wonderful and mysterious Galapogas Isles. No1 Ros has got in touch to say that she has passed the box on to her assistant who is heading off for pastures new.

Hmm box No 44 has just been returned undelivered aswell. This is an interesting turn up. I guess the people of the "Vegitarian Fast Food" in West Java must have moved. So we welcome suggestions for a new desitination.

Ho, ho - good news. Box No 41 is getting closer and is now with an architect in edinburgh. Apologies for the break in news, been away. Keep your postcards coming.
08 August 2006
Another interesting turn up. Two boxes have arrived home. Hurrah, I hear you cry but not so. These have returned undelivered, unopened. We are therefore about to work out new places in New York and Japan. If anyone has any suggestions then get in touch.

Another interesting turn up. Two boxes have arrived home. Hurrah, I hear you cry but not so. These have returned undelivered, unopened. We are therefore about to work out new places in New York and Japan. If anyone has any suggestions then get in touch.

"Good luck" wishes have arrived from Plymouth. We don't know much about Plymouth, other than its where the Mayflower landed. Not much is known about Polly Johnson either. There is no box number on the card and the post mark is covering her address. Please get in touch with some contact info Polly.

A little email has reached us frrom No 53 to inform us it has arrived in Indonesia. A postcard is apparently on its way and we look forward to seeing it.
Several cards have arrived without numbers. Please, please, please add your box number to the postcards if it is not there already.

A very proud looking koala adorns the stamp on the first postcard from No 45. The lucky box has been away doing some vegetable shopping and apparently had a great time. Please let us know if you take your box on any advetnures and send us a photo.

Not completely sure what Mary Duxbury - last known holder of Box No 7 does for a living as the postmark is covering it but we think she is a retired medical -physicist and now makes either beads of bread?

Another postcard has arrived from Nicki Barnett in Scotland - unfortunetly the postcard is missing its box number so we will have to track Nicki down to confirm which box she had. [It was No 48]
Also visit the contacts page and sign up to our new monthly mailing list.

Anita - first stop for No 52 has been in touch to let us know an article about Milgram's experiment was on Radio 4 today. It's very interesting and well worth a listen.
[click here to listen]

Good news - after a wee break in communication we have heard from another new box. No 48, currently in Thailand is visitng the editor of Citylife magazine. Turns out the ediotr studied in Scotland and so the box is well on its way home already.
24 June 2006
Another US of the A box. No 3 is in Massachusettes and aparently has been sent 3,000 miles in the wrong direction to see what will happen. We reckon that means it's in the far east someplace or in the middle of the sea - depending which atlas we look at.

Another US of the A box. No 3 is in Massachusettes and aparently has been sent 3,000 miles in the wrong direction to see what will happen. We reckon that means it's in the far east someplace or in the middle of the sea - depending which atlas we look at.

This postcard has casued us a little confusion as last we heard No 23 was in London but this post card indicates that it is back in Paris. Either No 23 was missing the nice weather or the cards have got out of order.

Just heard from wee box No 54 which is thenot only the furthest awaybut is also the last box to be posted. It is having a nice time spying fish from the bottom of a glass boat in New Zealand.

Its funny how information comes in little bursts but as soon as one box gets in touch then another also drops us a line. No 14 which we have identified from its stamp is still in Sweden.

Only a few days after our plea to other boxes to get in touch and we have heard from a new little fellow. No 47 who having spent some time in the bright lights in NEW york is now on its way to geordie land of NEWcastle.

Just heard from No 41 who has just arrived in Edinburgh. Just a short nip accross the country and it will soon be home.
But where are all the others? Come on boxes, get in touch.

So the battle to return has now become a three horse race - with our three box leaders 8, 41 and now No 23 all headed back to Scotland. No 23 was last found at Waterloo station and is currently on its way to Edinburgh. Place your bets now, if you think it can over take the other two.

Hooray. News from a brand new box - No 12 has just dropped a wee message from Kangerlussuaq in Greenland. We don't know alot about the country but they do have a very fine selection of stamps including the one to the right with a women in a rather fetching red jumper.

Apparently, according to a paper I read recently, rock is back - I was not aware it had gone away but it seems the finnish maddies that won the eurovision last week have saved it's soul. And speaking of scandanavian rockness we have just heard from box No 14 who is currently living with Martin "Rock God" Forssman in Sweden.

Oh ho - here we are getting all excited about box number 41 and there sneaking up on the blindside is box No 7 who we have just heard has returned to it's home city. Will it be the first back and what has happened to the other 49. Stay tuned for the answers.

Hmmm , some bad news has reached our ears today. Apparently there is something wrong with our email address. Thankyou to Paul and Box No 8 for bringing it to our attention. We will fix it as soon as possible but in the meantime please use

Bounjour, mais oui. Fantasique!! The first postcard from outsde the uk shores has arrived. Box number 23 is spending some time with top chef Mr David Lebovitz. We are rather jealous of the tasty delicacies it will be enjoying in Paris. We've just had beans on toast for tea.

Well box 41 is sprinting well into the lead with another postcard arrived, this time from mr Iain Halket a puppeteer from Aberdeen. All you other boxes better watch out - this wee guy is getting very close to home.
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