Tuesday, July 11, 2006

box 51

Person 1 Donald Williamson - Florida, USA (02.02.08)

Wonderful news, we have just heard from box number 51 for the very first time. Its been living for the past two year with Don Williamson in Ormand Beach, Florida. Don was a bit worried he had failed the project by holding onto the box for so long but there is really no time delay. We imagined that the journeys of the boxes would take years rather than months and we will always be happy to hear from them, no matter how long it takes. If you still have a box, let us know.

Don's delay was completly understandable. He was out on the road working a lot of the time and then, sadly, his old belgian sheepdog Willie passed away. Don's got a website set up where you can see photos of Willie and find out about the dog shows Don's been involved with and dog products he sells.

"Piece #51, sunning in a Palmetto bush on a 75ºf day
in Ormond Beach, FL, after being cooped up in a box for
close to two years, perhaps a visit to the shore is in order
before the next leg of the journey. (perhaps the word "ocean"
was a prophecy)"


Person 2 Steve Wirtz - Wisconsin, USA (02.02.08)

Don has passed the box onto sculpture Steve in Wisconsin, where the poor thing is having to get used to deep snow.

Don and Steve became friends about 12 years ago, when they met on the dog show circuit. (I just recently watched the movie Best in Show and I now can't help but think that Don and Steve are characters from that film.)

You can see why the subject matter of Steve's sculptures, appealed to dog crazy Don - caricature dog models involved in humorous hijinx. You can see his work at http://www.cartuna.net/

Apparently, its another climate change up next for No #051 as it is heading off to New Mexico. Hopefully we'll hear more from it soon and we'll contact Steve for the photos he took of the box while it was in his care.


Person 3 Carol O'Connor - Albuquerque, New Mexico (07.05.09)

From snow to the desert. Check out the image below - pretty stunning scenery - even the little black dog has found it so awe inspiring he's stopped to check it out. I am jealous of Number 51, he is having a lot of fun and he hasn't even left America yet.

Carol has apologised for her delay in passing on news of Box 51 due to a major move but there is no need, we are delighted to hear from our boxes no matter how long they have been off the radar. Its just over a year since last we heard from 51 and we are pleased see that it is looking well and has met yet another interesting person.

Carol's website name Silver Fetish did make me pause for a second before clicking on it, we have been sent to some "interesting" sites before by our box adventurers, but I'm glad I did. I didn't know anything about the Zuni or their fetish carvings - the pink stripey wolf on the about page is my favourite I think.

My US geography is a bit rusty so I've drawn up a little US map to follow 51's journey so far.

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6



box 50

Person 1


Person 2


Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6



box 54

This is the farthest travelled of our boxes, pretty much on the other side of the world. It is travelling about on a glass bottom boat, which must make excellant viewing for the fishes but as someone who does not like water, would be slightly disconcerting.


Person 2 : ANN ADAMS - BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA (03.09.08)
#54 will have strong bones and good teeth after spending two years with "self employed milk distributor" Ann in the lovely sunshine of Brisbane. The postcard got here pretty quick - think it got from Australia to us in 4 days.


Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6


box 52

Person 1: ANITA CROSS - APPLEBY, UK (24.04.06)
The Mildred Mittens Manufactory."A magical and creative world inspired by the wonder, fun and sheerexuberance of our family of hairy, fairy and very beautiful Guinea Pigs"


Person 2 : SALI GRAY - GLOUCESTER, UK (06.05.06)
Business and Life Coach. "I truely believe that the world is very small".


Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6



box 53

Person 1 : RENNY Y - JARKARTA, INDONESIA (05.11.06)
First call from No53 and its already on its way back to the UK. From the hands of Renny, top writer of childrens stories and folk tales, to Mrs Sri Raharts Purches. Visit this site to see more - http://www.geocities.com/kesumawijaya/


Person 2


Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6



box 03

Not sure of Natalies job as the post mark people have kindly put the date stamp over the top of her text. But we can make out that Natalie is proud of Boston being the home of the Boston Marathon. We wonder if she's ever run it.


Person 2


Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6



box 02


Ros is the development officer of the Charles Darwin Reasrch Centre. She also has a grandfather who was born in Glasgow and who apparently had several aliases and was born in a barn. Ros also added a Dragon to the box. http://www.smallworldexperiment.com/Project002.htm#



Paula seems to be living a very exciting life. Having just spent a year in the Galapogas Islands she is now off to chilie to viist the Incas before settling down in Oz for a while.
Paulas email are very interesting. She is married to someone from Scotland who has an uncle who is a retired architect. She also happens to know someone who actually lives not far from Small World HQ.

Most interesting though is the question that Paulas raises as to the sex of the boxes. We hadn't really thought about this before now. We guess some will be male and some female, but how do we decide. Perhaps all even ones are female? Or perhaps each box will discover its gender through the journey and the people it encounters or perhaps . . as Paula also points out. Its just a box. We like to think of it as being the middle option and therefore Paula if you are reading this. We urge you to choose the sex and nickname for box No 2. All the best.


box 01
